
Medieval Europe

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  • This Empire declared itself to be the descendants of Rome even though most of its kings and lands were in Germany.
    The Holy Roman Empire
  • This treaty between powerful English lords and an unpopular king, gave British citizens certain rights. It is considered one of the first constitutions of civil rights in the world.
    The Magna Cara
  • This man was the King of the Franks, but successfully conquered most of Western and Central Europe starting the Holy Roman Empire and created learning institutions and feudal law.
    Charlemagne - Charles the Great
  • This Turkish empire rose after a Turkish Sultan defeated the Byzantines and captured Constantinople. At its height, it ruled Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, North Africa, Greece and most of South East Europe and survived till WWI.
    The Ottoman Empire
  • This Kurdish Sunni general united different Muslim Kingdoms against the crusaders, retaking most of Jerusalem as well as other Muslim lands.
  • This Slavic was once a principality of the Kievan-Rus. After the destruction of Kyiv by the Mongols, this city became the center of the Slavic world and built the Kremlin.
    Moscow (Grand Duchy of Moscow)
  • This disease ravaged Central Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. In Europe it killed somewhere between 1/4-1/3 of the population and lead to the weakening of Feudalism and the Church.
    The Black Death
  • This successful invasion of England was lead by William the Conqueror. This introduced European style governance to England as well as the influence of a French language, which was spoken in court for 200 years after.
    Norman Invasion
  • This Italian explorer, hired by Spain, was the first European to discover the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. This led to European colonial expansion in the Americas.l
    Christopher Columbus
  • The first modern version of this machine was created in Germany in 1436. It allowed the rapid spread of knowledge and art through out Europe.
    The Printing Press
  • This peasant woman became one of the most important leaders of the French during the Hundred Years War against England. She commanded troops in important battles and was said to speak with God.
    Joan of Arc
  • This was a series of conflicts over 400 years between Christian invaders attempting to capture the Holy Land in the Middle East.
    The Crusades