
Self-Portrait and Proportion Review for 8th

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  • What is the standard ratio of eye width to space between the eye?
    1:1 (there is one eye width between the eyes)
  • Do the lips lie under the lip line, on the lip line or above the lip line?
    Above the lip line (the bottom of the bottom lip rests on the line)
  • Where does the bottom edge of the nose (nose line) lie in relation to the head?
    Halfway between eyeline and chin.
  • Name FOUR shading techniques
    Blending, Hatching, Cross-Hatching, Stippling, Scumbling...
  • Where do a teen's eyes rest in relation to the eyeline?
    Just under the eyeline
  • If value is shading, then what is shading?
    USING value (to show highlights and shadows that give the appearance of three dimensionality to a 2D image)
  • What do you call the darkest areas of shading? (darkest values)
  • What is the name of the shading used in this artwork?
  • What do you call it when you gently smear two or more values together to create a gradual transition from one tone to another?
  • What do you call the lightest areas, with little to no shading? (lightest values)
  • What is the location of the eyes/eyeline in relation to the head for an adult?
    Halfway between the top of head and chin
  • Where does the lip line lie in relation to the head?
    Halfway between the nose line and the chin.
  • What is the standard ratio of eyes to face width?
    5:1 (face is 5 eyes wide)
  • What is the name of the shading used on this artwork?
  • Where do a child's eyes rest in relation to the eyeline?
    Eyebrows are on the eyeline
  • What do you call it when you use value to show highlights, midtones and shadows in a drawing?
  • The word for comparing parts to a whole via their relationship in size and space.
  • What is the name of the shading used in this artwork?
    Cross Hatching
  • What is value?
    Shading (the lightness and darkness of tones)
  • What do you call a photo, drawing or painting that someone does of themselves? (or, that you do of YOURself?)
    a Self-Portrait
  • What do you call a photo, drawing or painting of someone?
    A portrait