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  • What is the meaning of "sensible" and "sensitive"?
    sensible: sensato / sensitive: sensible
  • Can you make two sentence using FIRST CONDITIONAL?
    If you like horror movies, you will love "Annabelle". / My cousin will finish his degree if he passes his last exam.
  • Can you mention 10 ACTIVITIES/HOBBIES that teenagers do in their free time?
    perform in a band, design accesories, go canoeing, act in a play, take part in competitions...
  • Complete with a FUTURE TENSE: This time next month, my sister ____________ (celebrate) her wedding.
    will be celebrating
  • Complete with a relative pronoun: This is the supermarket _____________ I buy the cookies you love that much.
  • Can you explain PAST SIMPLE? (form, function & irregular verbs)
  • When a person is moody, stubborn and pushy, has she or he got a good personality?
    NO! (de humor cambiante, cabezota, agresivo/exigente)
  • Can you mention at least 5 MODAL VERBS?
    can, could, would, might, must, should...
  • How do you say "entrante", "plato principal", "guarnición" & "postre"?
    starter, main course, side dish & dessert
  • Can you explain when do we use PRESENT PERFECT?
    We use it to talk about actions that started in the past but still have relevance in the present.
    If + past simple + would: If the teacher loved us, she wouldn't be so evil.
  • How would you say "un sueño hecho realidad" & "superar obstáculos"?
    a dream come true & overcome obstacles
  • When do we use PAST CONTINUOUS? Provide an example.
    We use it to talk about actions that were happening at a particular time in the past. "Yesterday at 2:00 I was sleeping".
  • Complete with a FUTURE TENSE: Tomorrow, we _____________ (visit) the new Historical Center in Seville. We have already bought the tickets.
    We are going to visit
  • What are the past tenses of FIND, SEND, COME and BUY?
  • Can you mention 8 ITEMS that you need when you travel?
    passport, guidebook, first-aid-kit, insect repellent, sunscreen, toiletries...
  • What are the past participles of CUT, SING, WRITE and BECOME?
  • Do you remember the meaning of these feelings? "annoyed", "cheerful", "delighted", "shocked".
    enfadado, contento, encantado, sorprendido
  • Can you make examples using "for", "since", "just" and "ever"?
    She has lived here for a month / She has lived here since August / She has just came from Italy / Has she ever been in Tokyo?
  • Use these two verbs in a sentence: FALL OUT WITH / COMPROMISE
    EX: I fell out with my bff because she was being so pushy, but we compromised and she promised me to be a better friend.
  • Can you name at least 5 adjectives to describe FOOD?
    appetising, plain, raw, salty, spicy, sour, sweet, tasty, fresh...
  • Can you conjugate the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE with the verb "sleep"?
    I have slept, You have slept, She has slept...
  • Which RELATIVE PRONOUN do we use with people?
    who (or that)
  • Can you mention 10 important PLACES or ELEMENTS IN TOWN?
    roundabout, traffic light, zebra crossing, playground, car park, newsagent...