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  • What is France famous for?
    France is famous for ...
  • Where have you traveled in Korea?
    I have traveled to ... in Korea.
  • What country do you WANT to travel to next?
    I want to travel to ... next.
  • If we visit the zoo, what can we see?
    We can see ... if we visit the zoo.
  • What countries have you traveled to?
    I have traveled to ...
  • Where can you see the Eiffel Tower?
    I can see the Eiffel Tower in France.
  • Name 2 School Supplies!
    ____ and ____ are school supplies
  • Do you want to go to the beach or the amusement park? Why?
    I want to go to the ... because ...
  • Where can we go camping? Mountains of city?
    We can go camping in the mountains.
  • Where can we ride a roller coaster? Amusement park or moutains?
    We can ride roller coasters at the amusement park.
  • What school supplies are big?
    _____ is a big school supply.
  • Do you want to go to the city or the mountains? Why?
    I want to go to the ... because ...
  • What is Korea famous for?
    Korea is famous for ...
  • Why do you need a notebook?
    I need a notebook to ...
  • Where can you see the Statue of Liberty?
    I can see the Statue of LIberty in America
  • What can you use to carry books?
    I can use my backpack to carry books
  • What school supplies do you need to bring everyday?
    I need to bring ... everyday.
  • What is a way we can travel?
    We can travel by ...
  • What is China famous for?
    China is famous for ...
  • What is a way we can travel?
    We can travel by...
  • What is Italy famous for?
    Italy is famous for ...
  • What is your favorite place for vacation?
    My favorite place for vacation is ...
  • What school supply is sticky?
    Glue/tape is sticky.
  • What do you think is the most important school supply?
    I think the most important school supply is ...
  • What are some small school supplies?
    _____ and _____ are small school supplies!
  • Why do you need a backpack?
    I need a backpack to...
  • What can you put in your pencil case?
    I can put ... in my pencil case.
  • What can you use to sharpen pencils?
    I can use a pencil sharpener.
  • What is America famous for?
    America is famous for ...