
Epäsuora kerronta

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  • " I can help you". Mary said that
    she could help me/us
  • " I have been busy". Jane told me that
    she had been busy
  • " I was hungry". Keith explained that
    he was / had been hungry
  • " I have been here before!" Matt said that
    he had been there before
  • "I can see you tomorrow!" Ben told that
    he could see us the next day
  • " We will see you tomorrow!" They said that
    they would see us the next day.
  • " I will be ok". Jill told us that
    she would be ok
  • "Nate was sad". Katie told us that
    Nate was / had been sad.
  • " I won´t forget her". She told her friends that
    she would not forget her
  • " I walked all the way". She said that
    she walked / had walked all the way
  • "I can walk home" They say that
    they can walk home
  • " Nobody is at home" She says that
    nobody is at home
  • "I practise a lot". John says that
    he practises a lot
  • " I have been really busy". He told us that
    he had been really busy