
SE Asia Government and Economy Test

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  • What country am I describing? 95% command, entrepreneurship not allowed, outdated technology and factories,
    North Korea
  • What country am I describing? Close to market, entrepreneurship is encouraged, highly industrialized economy, 10 the largest in the world
    South Korea
  • If a country invests in capital goods, should their GDP increase or decrease?
  • What word means the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year?
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Not allowing trade at all
  • Instead of producing everything, countries focus on a few items to make very well. What is this an example of?
  • Which pair of countries have governments that are the most similar?
    India and Japan
  • Limit on imported goods
  • Trading goods instead of using money is part of which type of economy?
  • People DO NOT directly elect the leader who is usually called Prime Minister and CAN be fired (2 words)
    Parliamentary Democracy
  • If a country invests more money in schools, what are they investing in? Would that make GDP increase or decrease?
    Human Capital, GDP should go up
  • What country am I describing? #3 economy in the world, close to market, lots of technology, doesn't have many natural resources, .
  • If a country invests in human capital, would their literacy rate increase or decrease?
  • True or False- In China and North Korea, when citizens vote is make a huge difference.
  • Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentary Democracy, Chief Executive: Prime Minister, Emperor: Head of State, Bicameral Legislature called the Diet, All citizens can vote at age 18. Which country am I describing?
  • If India and Japan are both parliamentary democracies, how do they determine their leaders?
    The citizens elect members of the legislature, then members of the legislature select the leader.
  • gold, oil, farmland, timber are all examples of what factor of economic growth?
    Natural Resources
  • What country am I describing-Presidential Democracy, citizens can vote at age 19, rights and freedoms similar to US
    South Korea
  • Government controls all aspects of this type of economy
  • Crops and handmade clothing would probably be made by someone in what type of economy?
  • If a country has a higher literacy rate, would the standard of living be higher or lower?
  • What country am I describing? #7 economy in the world, in the middle of economic continuum line, education and learning English are a priority
  • If a country encourages people to start businesses, what factor of economic growth are they investing in?
  • If a country is an autocracy, their economy is probably closer to market or command?
  • Which country would the U.S. MOST LIKELY have an embargo against?
    North Korea
  • If the literacy rate of a country increases, what factor of economic growth has the country invested in?
    Human Capital
  • What country am I describing? Fastest growing economy, in the middle of economic continuum line, high levels of manufacturing
  • What country am I describing-Supreme Leader inherits his title and controls everything, people can vote at age 17, but their vote means nothing
    North Korea
  • Economy that is a combination of command and market
  • If 2 countries removed all trade barriers, would this increase or decrease the growth of their economies?
  • Tax on imported goods
  • Citizens of which country are considered to have the LEAST freedom?
    North Korea
  • A country is trying to help domestic producers of computers, so they limit how many computers can be imported. What type of trade barrier are they using?
  • What country am I describing-Controlled by the Communist Party, Has limited rights and freedoms, Allows citizens to vote at age 18, but votes don't mean much.
  • If a country has new technology, new roads and bridges, and make goods in factories, which factor of economic growth have they invested in?
    Capital goods
  • If a country is closer to market, who makes the business decisions-the government or individual citizens?
    Individual Citizens
  • The leader has all the power in this type of government
  • Supply and demand controls this economy
  • People directly elect the leader, CANNOT be fired, 3 seperate branches(2 words)
    Presidential Democracy