
Evolution Review

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  • True or False. An ancient arrow head is considered a fossil.
  • Darwin's Finches had noticeable differences. What were these differences in appearance and why did they evolve?
    beak shape/size; food options available on that island
  • What is an important factor in the process of selective breeding (artificial selection)?
    man choosing traits that are desired
  • Human often do not consider this when selectively breeding of animals.
    the animals quality of life
  • Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection states...
    Parents pass their physical traits on to their offspring; those offspring with traits that help survival then reproduce and pass those traits on
  • The human appendix is an example of which evidence to support evolution?
    vestigial structure
  • In relative dating...where would the youngest fossils possibly be found in sedimentary rock?
    Top layers (oldest toward the bottom)
  • List 3 reasons an organism might need to change over time.
    Climate change, lack of resources like food, water, mates, territory, a natural disaster, a new predator
  • What does it mean if an organism goes extinct?
    None left on Earth; no longer living (none of that species)
  • List the 5 Mechanisms for Change (causes, 5 Fingers of Evolution).
    mutation, migration (gene flow), natural selection, non random mating (sexual selection) and genetic drift
  • Name a specific example of organisms changing over time.
    Darwin's Finches, Galapagos Giant Tortoise and Peppered Moths
  • Define a fossil.
    the remains of a once living organism- it is no longer on Earth
  • What caused the change in the Peppered Moths in New England?
    Industrial Revolution- humans unintentional influence over natural selection
  • Over time, horses evolved to have longer legs. Why would this be needed?
    run faster
  • True or False. Evolution can occur in an individual organism.
  • Why would an organism not need to change or change so little over long periods of time?
    Their adaptations developed long ago still help them survive today
  • True or False. Biochemistry and similarities in DNA is evidence to support evolution that Darwin presented.
  • An example of a homologous structure is...
    bat wing, human arm/ whale flipper, human hand
  • How can adaptations (differences) appear naturally? (Hint: sexual reproduction)
    mutations in DNA during replication
  • True or False. Absolute dating is the most accurate form of fossil dating.
  • How does the fossil record provide evidence to support evolution?
    it shows that organisms have changed over time, they are more complex now and some have gone extinct, it also shows diversity of life in patterns.
  • Darwin presented 6 pieces of evidence to support his theory of evolution. Name 4 of them.
    fossils, geographic distribution, embryology, homologous structures, vestigial structures, natural selection
  • What is the difference in a theory and a fact?
    A fact is 100% truth and a theory can be disproven. It is widely accepted and has evidence to support it.
  • The gorilla learning to communicate using sign language at a zoo. Is this an example of an evolutionary adaptation?
    No. Acquired traits. NOT inherited.
  • Natural Selection allows nature to choose the organism that is....
    most fit for survival in that environment
  • True or False. Once a certain trait becomes favored for survival, it is always beneficial in any environment?
    False. An adaptation can be favorable in one type of environment and favored against in another. Ex: thick fur in cold climates would not be beneficial in heat
  • The most accurate form of fossil dating is when radioactive element decay is measured from inside the fossil to give an exact age. Name this form of fossil dating.
    Absolute (radioactive)
  • Designer dog breeding by humans to get desired traits in the offspring is an example of?
    Artificial selection (selective breeding)
  • Why would scientists find a fossil of an aquatic animal like a fish in a modern day desert?
    This land (environment) use to be covered in water like an ocean or sea.
  • The theory of evolution states that any change in the _________ ___________ within a population occurs across generations.
    heritable traits
  • Darwin presented 5 Principles of Natural them in order.
    1. Variation (thru mutations) 2. Favorable variations 3. Overproduction 4. Adaptation 5. Selection