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  • Whose laptop is it? (Lucas)
    It's Lucas' laptop.
  • When's your birthday?
    Open answer.
  • What date is today?
    It's June, 5th.
  • Where is your bedroom?
    Open answer.
  • Is there a hall in your house?
    Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
  • What's your favorite possession?
    Open answer.
  • What's it? (guitar/ far)
    That is a guitar.
  • Are there cupboards in your kitchen?
    yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
  • Where is your cellphone?
    Open answer.
  • Describe your kitchen.
    Open answer.
  • Where are your school books?
    Open answer.
  • What are they? (bikes/ near)
    These are bikes.
  • When is Christmas?
    It's on December, 25th.
  • Describe your house.
    Open answer.
  • What's your cousin's name?
    Open answer.
  • Whose books are they? (the children)
    They're the children's books.
  • How old are you?
    Open answer.