
Wishes and Regrets

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  • I wish I hadn't eaten so much last night.
    I regret having eaten so much last night.
  • I wish I had had the guts to go bungee jumping.
    I regret not having the guts to go bungee jumping.
  • I wish I hadn't missed that chance.
    I regret missing that chance
  • I regret having eaten so much last night.
    I wish I hadn't eaten so much last night.
  • I regret having stayed up late last night.
    I wish I had'n stayed up late last night.
  • I wish I hadn't told that lie.
    I regret telling that lie.
  • I regret missing that chance.
    I wish I hadn't missed that chance.
  • I regret not playing the lottery.
    I wish I had played the lottery.
  • I wish I hadn't invited my neighbors to my party.
    I regret inviting my neighbors to my party.
  • I wish I hadn't fallen asleep during the movie.
    I regret falling asleep during the movie.
  • I regret falling asleep during the movie.
    I wish I hadn't fallen asleep during the movie.
  • I regret telling that lie.
    I wish I hadn't told that lie.
  • I regret not starting my English course before.
    I wish I had started my English course before.
  • I wish I had'n stayed up late last night.
    I regret having stayed up late last night.
  • I regret inviting my neighbors to my party.
    I wish I hadn't invited my neighbors to my party.
  • I wish I had started my English course before.
    I regret not starting my English course before.
  • I regret inviting my neighbors to my party.
    I wish I had studied for the English test.
  • I wish I had studied for the English test.
    I regret not studying for the English test.
  • I regret not having the guts to go bungee jumping.
    I wish I had had the guts to go bungee jumping.
  • I wish I had played the lottery.
    I regret not playing the lottery