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  • Vatican City - 0.49 km2
    How small/big is Vatican City? - It's 0.49 square kilometers small/big.
  • Mount Bazarduzu - 4,466
    How high is Mount Bazarduzu? - It's 4,466 meters high.
  • Big Antarctica iceberg A-68A - 232m
    How thick is the big antarctica iceberg A-68A? - It's 232 meters thick.
  • Asia - 45,000,000 km2
    How big is Asia? - It's 45 million square kilometers big.
  • A4 paper - 0.1 millimeters
    How thin/thick is the A4 paper? - It's 0.1 millimeters thin/thick.
  • Jennifer Lopez - 53
    How old is Jennifer Lopez? - She's 53 years old.
  • giraffe - 5.5m
    How tall is the giraffe? - It's 5.5 meters tall.
  • green anaconda - 6m
    How long is the green anaconda? - It's 6 meters long.
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - 5,895m
    How high is Mount Kilimanjaro? - It's 5,895 meters high.
  • Tom Holland - 1.73m
    How tall is Tom Holland? - He's 1.73 meters tall.
  • The Caspian Sea - 1,025m
    How deep is The Caspian Sea? - It's 1,025 meters deep.
  • The Sea of Azov - 14m
    How deep/shallow is The Sea of Azov? - It's 14 meters deep/shallow.