
Ch.10 Vocab.

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  • the right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war
    neutral rights
  • What event, that took place in Europe, prompted President Adams to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?
    XYZ Affair
  • Which two candidates tied in the election of 1800?
    Jefferson and Burr
  • the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
  • Which political party was lead by Thomas Jefferson?
  • a ban on trade
  • What executive office did Adams create?
    Department of the Navy
  • Which political party believed in limited government, a strict interpretation of the Constitution, and government involvement by all?
  • the official power to make legal decisions and judgements within a specific area
  • a group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president
    Electoral College
  • Which political party believed in strong government, loose interpretation of the Constitution, and rule by the upper class?
  • although the election of 1800 was surrounded by controversy, it was the first time that power changed from one polital party to another. What is this called?
    Peaceful Transfer of Power
  • Which politlcal party was led by Alexander Hamilton?
  • What did Adams do before leaving office to continue the power of the Federalists party?
    appointed MIdnight Judges
  • a fast, medium-sized warship
  • While Jefferson was President, what happened that more than doubled the size of the U.S.?
    Louisiana Purchase
  • to formally withdraw from membership in a federal union, alliance, or political or religious organization
  • Which court case established the power of Judicial Review?
    Marbury vs. Madison
  • What 3 executive departments did Washington create?
    treasury, war, and state
  • money paid by one country to another in return for protection
  • a strong feeling of pride in or devotion to one's own country
  • a tax collected on goods that are imported
    customs duty
  • What 3 warnings did Washington give before leaving office?
    avoid factions, avoid foreign alliances, limit president to 2 terms
  • Why was the use of the Mississippi River so improtant to the U.S.
    to transport goods in and out of the South