
How we organize ourselves

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  • Name 6 products that are made from milk.
    cheese, cream, ice cream, butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese
  • Why is plastic packaging harmful to the environment?
    It stays for a very long time in the nature, there is a lot of plastic waste, it hurts animals.
  • Name 3 jobs that provide services
    hairdresser, baker, dentist
  • Name 5 products that are produced in Latvia.
    Cheese, bread, chocolate, Karums, yoghurt
  • Why do countries need to import and export goods?
    Because they need to buy goods that are not produced in their countries and sell goods to other counties to earn money to be able to buy goods.
  • Explain what community is.
    A group of people living in one area.
  • Import is distribution of goods to other countries. True or False?
  • What things can we do to be responsible consumers?
    Buy fruit without plastic cover, use cloth bags, use water bottle; etc.
  • Explain how we made butter in class =)
    1) put cream in a jar 2) Shake it until it becomes thick 3) drain extra liquid 4)wash the butter
  • Name 3 wants and 3 needs. Explain the difference.
    Wants: sweets, lego, new phone. Needs: water, food, shelter (home). We can live without "wants", but can't live without needs."
  • What types of transport are used to deliver goods?
    truck, ship. plane, train
  • 1) Explain who a producer is. 2) Explain who a consumer is.
    1) Someone who makes or creates products. Someone who buys goods or services.
  • Explain what export is.
    When goods are produced in one country and shipped to other countries.
  • Choose a product and tell how it is produced step-by-step.