
Food Groups

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  • what food group is good for your muscles?
    Meat and protein group
  • How many servings from the fruit group should you take in everyday?
    2 - 4 servings
  • How many servings from the vegetable group should you take in everyday?
    3 - 5 servings
  • What food group gives us energy?
    grain group
  • Name all the food groups and their colors.
    Grains-orange Vegetables-green Fruits-red Oil and sweets-yellow Milk-blue Meat and beans-purple
  • How many servings from the meat and protein group should you take in everyday?
    2 - 3 servings
  • How many glasses of water should we drink per day?
    8 glasses of water
  • Which is the biggest group in the Pyramid?
    Grain group
  • How many serving from grain group should you take in everyday?
    6 - 11 servings
  • How many servings from the milk group should you take in everyday?
    2-3 servings
  • Which is the smallest food group?
    oils and sweets
  • What drink is good for bones and teeth?
  • How many servings from the oils and sweets group should you take in everyday?
    0 servings / not recommended
  • How many serving from grain group should you take in everyday?
    6 - 11 servings
  • What vegetable is good for eyesight?