
Reading Explorer 1 Unit 10

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  • Would you rather be in the Korean Army or the BTS army?
    very nice.
  • You will have 10 seconds to answer this question.
    Name 3 types of currency.
  • You will have 10 seconds to answer this question.
    3 examples of "ordinary" things you can find in a supermarket.
  • He _________ the car
  • What is a technique? Can you use it in a sentence?
  • Why did workers feel proud of the pyramids?
    It made them very strong, like the Hulk
    They saw it as a national project
    They really love building things
    They are just proud of everything, it is kind of weird
  • Who is an "icon" to you?
    super cool, very awesome
  • Why do you think Facebook and Instagram are called social "networks?"
    good point...
  • About how long did it take to build the pyramids?
    150 years
    I don't know and I am tired.
    10 years
    80 years
  • What is your "role" at home? What is your "role" at school?
    cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
  • Which one is a liquid?
  • What is something that you are "involved" in?
    sounds like fun!
  • What does "confirm" mean? Can you use it in a sentence?
    good one.
  • You will have 10 seconds to answer this question.
    3 examples of things that are constructed.
  • What is a "task" that you like to do? What is a "task" that you do not like to do?
    oh my.
  • Who build the pyramids?
    Foreign workers
    Foreign slaves
    Egyptian workers
    Egyptian slaves
  • What is "arthritis?"
    a bone disease!
  • What is something that you protect?
  • What is something that "lasts" for a long time?
    I agree.
  • How long does it take you to "complete" your homework?
    so long!
  • You will have 10 seconds to answer this question.
    3 examples of things constructed with "blocks"
  • What does apply mean? Can you use it in a sentence?
  • What are you "proud" of?
    Very good.