
Revision - NT/Cover to cover

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  • What is she doing?
  • How can you chracterize a reliable person?
    you can trust that person any time.
  • Say 3 survival skills.
    building a shelter, copying with wild animals, making a fire
  • What does 'to track' mean?
    to follow a person or animal
  • Name Jamie Olivers's two projects
    Fifteen, Jamie's Ministry of Food, Jamie's school dinners
  • What is Sarah Campbell's nickname and what does it mean?
    Mighty mouse
  • What is Remy's ambition from the film Ratatouille?
    to learn to cook
  • What is the antonym of 'love'?
  • Then they both began to _________, and finally laughed out loud: a) access b) grin c) reward
    b) grin
  • the process of creating something that has never been made or never existed before
  • On the island the people _______ different gods: a)captured b)surrunded c)worshipped
  • Name five dishes of Thanksgiving.
    turkey and stuffing, appple pie, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, maple syrup
  • What is the difference between the words fried/grilled/roast?
    friedn - in the pan, roast - in the oven, grilled - on the barbecue
  • a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony
  • What is the synonym of 'move on'?
    Continue, go on
  • to say that you have done something dishonest
    to admit
  • What is the synonym of 'unfairness'?
  • Is there anything you've done in your life that you ________?: a)regret b)claim c)invent
  • What are they?
  • Whaf is the synonym of 'small'?