
Synonyms (antonyms, collocations)

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    stylist, barber, beautician, coiffeur
  • PEHSE 양
    mutton, wolly, cattle, flock
  • EBKA 부리
    cook, oven-bake, roast, scorch, parch
  • OGD 개
    canine, hound, mongrel, pooch, pursue, follow, stalk
  • ETAMS 증기
    condensation, mist, haze, get worked up, smoke
  • NLCHU 점심
    food, meal, luncheon, buffet
    early meal, morning meal, first meal of the day
  • 따뜻한 MWRA
    cozy, snug, friendly, affable, pleasant
  • WOC 소
    cattle, calf, herd, oxen, bulls, intimidate
  • 눈 WSNO
    snowflakes, snowdrift, avalanche, blizzard
  • OTH 더운
    balmy, tropical, summery, spicy, spiced
    peak, height, elevation, range, summit
  • RFIE 불
    firing, flame, dismiss, shoot, launch
  • 비 NRIA
    rainfall, precipitation, drizzle, sprinkle, shower
  • SOTRA 구운
    cook, bake, grill, broil, criticize
  • RTAEHC 선생님
    educator, tutor, instructor, professor
  • TECISN 곤충
    bug, beetle, butterfly, flea, fly, mosquito
  • AGTO 염소
    billy, kid, fall guy, pick on
  • LIBO 종기
    simmer, bubble, heat, cook, stew
  • IGP 돼지
    hog, bacon, swine, pork, boar
  • RLEAYW 변호사
    legal practitioner, attorney, advocate, barrister
  • TWE 젖은
    damp, moist, soaked, drenched
  • YDR 마른
    parched, sun-baked, arid, withered
  • RCELNEA 청소기
    soap, disinfectant, cleanser, cleaning agent
  • OGF 안개
    mist, smog, daze, stupor, murk
  • EOFIFI worker  회사원
    clerical worker, manager, clerk, salaried workers, professional
  • DCUOL 구름
    shadow, blacken, gloom, pall
  • EPCOIL 경찰
    law enforcement, guard, patrol, officer, protector
  • RLOWRE 꽃
    bloom, blossom, best, finest, prime
  • TANSASTIS 어시스턴트
    subordinate, helper, second, deputy
    hen, chick, fowl, rooster, capon
  • OCOK 요리하다
    prepare, make, falsify, alter, doctor
  • LHIL 언덕
    mount, mound, knoll, elevation
  • RRVIE 강
    waterway, stream, channel, tributary, brook
  • LGILR 굽다
    barbecue, barbeque, broil, flame broil
  • 추운 DCOL
    chilly, cool, freezing, icy, unfriendly, frigid
  • ATC 고양이
    feline, kitty, tomcat, calico, pet
  • RIBD 새
    fowl, capon, feathered creature, dinosaur
  • REENEGNI 엔지니어
    architect, builder, inventor, producer
  • NSU 태양
    sunshine, daylight, beams, bask, ran
  • YFR 튀김
    saute, brown, sear, singe, frizzle
  • SGRSA 잔디
    turf, greenery, lawn, field, sod, pasture
  • RDOOTC 의사
    physician, surgeon, doc, medic, falsify
  • SERHO 말
    stallion, mare, filly, pony, gelding
  • USEOM 쥐
    vermin, rodent, coward, rat, animal
  • PTNLA 공장
    herb, vegetable, weed, factory, foundry
  • ASE 바다
    marine, ocean, seawater, oceanic, maritime
  • BRITAT 토끼
    bunny, hare, rodent, cottontail, doe
  • PSOH 가게
    store, outlet, vendor, buy, purchase
    assistant, front desk, secretary, greeter
  • RBNU 타다
    blaze, smolder, set fire to, set on fire
  • ENSUR 간호사
    caregiver, attendant, take care of, look after
  • DILSNA 섬
    isle, islet, atoll, group
  • RTEE 나무
    bush, shrub, sapling, conifer, evergreen
  • YSK 하늘
    atmosphere, the blue, airspace, stratosphere
  • DWNI 바람
    breeze, gale, hurricane, breath, puff
  • RNENID 저녁
    supper, feast, banquet, chow, binge
  • RMOTS 폭풍
    squall, gale, uproar, tornado, trouble
  • TFSORE 숲
    woodland, trees, plantation
  • EMVIACWRO 마이크로파
    zap, nuke, radiate, warm up, melt