
Food Idioms

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  • A very studious and intelligent person
  • Be embarassed
    Have egg on your face
  • Someone who watches a lot of TV and doesn't exercise much.
    Couch potato
  • A very durable and robust person; a person who is difficult to deal with.
    Tough cookie
  • Something easy to do
    A piece of cake
  • To risk everything in one person or thing
    To put all your eggs in one basket
  • To remain calm under pressure
    As cool as a cucumber
  • To be extra nice to someone
    To butter someone
  • A good guy or a kind person
    Good egg
  • A person who is a negative influence on others.
    Bad Apple
  • To describe something in only a few words
    In a nutshell
  • Dishonest or undesirable person
    Bad egg
  • A very sensitive matter
    A hot potato
  • Difficult person or thing to understand.
    A hard nut to crack
  • Worry about something that can't be fixed.
    Cry over spilled milk
  • To be in a very difficult situation
    (To be) in a pickle
  • A very important person. A leader (usually about business)
    A big cheese
  • Not to my liking.
    Not my cup of tea