
What is it?

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  • What wave of feminism was prominent when Atwood wrote this novel?
    Second wave
  • Why could you argue that Offred is an unreliable narrator?
    She has limited knowledge of the events she's narrating; she has strong emotional involvement making the narration subjective; she doesn't always tell the truth
  • What does Mary McCarthy compare a dystopian storyworld to in her review of THT?
    We are warned, by seeing our present selves in a distorting mirror, of what we may be turning into if current trends are allowed to continue
  • What type of dystopian control does Gilead use?
  • Name three conventions of dystopian literature
    Propaganda, restriction, constant surveillance, dehumanised state, conform to uniform expectations, illusion of a utopia
  • Why is Atwood's ancestors important to the context of THT?
    They were puritans and Gilead is modeled in the puritanical, theocratic society
  • What narrative viewpoint does Atwood use and how can you link this to the dystopian genre?
    Restricted narrative viewpoint which emphasises how information is restricted to Offred
  • Where did Atwood start writing this novel? Why is it important?
    Berlin - she could witness the totalitarian regime of the USSR first hand
  • What term would you use to describe a shift in time where the narrator recounts events from an earlier time frame?
  • List three motifs in the novel
    Doubles/reflections, flowers & eggs
  • What kind of narrator is Offred?
  • What is the significance of the pathetic fallacy used throughout the novel?
    The ever-increasing heat represents the suffocating nature of Gilead