
Essentials 1- Lesson 3

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  • Does cake have a lot of calories?
    Yes, it has a lot of calories
  • Does Peter play soccer?
    Yes, he plays soccer
  • Does Anna have lunch every day?
    Yes, she has lunch every day
  • Does Mike surf the net in the evening?
    Yes, he surfs the net in the evening
  • Does he watch TV every day?
    Yes, he watches TV every day
  • Does she get up early?
    Yes, she get's up early
  • Does Jason go to the gym?
    Yes, he goes to the gym
  • Does Lucas like salad?
    Yes, he likes salad
  • Does Julia take a shower in the morning?
    Yes, she takes a shower in the morning
  • Does Rachel study English?
    Yes, she sudies English
  • Does Laura get up late?
    Yes, she gets up late