
Passive practice

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  • Arabic is a good example.
    passive not possible
  • There are 7,000 languages in the world today.
    passive not possible
  • Linguists will do more research in the future concerning language and thinking.
    More research will be done by linguists in the future concerning language and thinking.
  • Many people assume language expresses thoughts only.
    Many people assume thoughts are expressed by language only. OR It is assumed by many people that language expresses thoughts only.
  • Arabic readers read Arabic script from right to left.
    Arabic script is read from right to left.
  • This is the opposite of English-speaking countries.
    passive not possible
  • Some linguists believe languages affect people’s thinking.
    Some linguists believe people’s thinking is affected by languages. OR It is believed by some linguists that languages affect people’s thinking.
  • Recently, cognitive scientists have done research studying how language influences thinking.
    Recently, research has been done by cognitive scientists studying ... OR Recently, cognitive scientists have done research studying...
  • Humans created language as a tool for communication.
    Language was created by humans as a tool for communication.
  • As a consequence, when someone displays pictures of two important people in Arab countries, the more important person is on the right.
    As a consequence, when pictures of two important people are displayed in Arab countries, the more important person is on the right.