
The Holy Spirit and the Church

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  • A personal, solemn promise of faithful love that involves mutual commitments and creates a sacred relationship
  • Having to do with the relationship of a child to his or her parent
  • The conscious and deliberate rejection of a truth of the faith by a baptized person of a truth of faith that must be believed
  • From the Greek words for “God” and “justice,” referring to the study of evil and suffering in the world, which seems contrary to the existence of a presumably good God
  • The uninterrupted passing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops.
    Apostolic Succession
  • A name for the first and most fundamental community of faith: the family
    Domestic Church
  • The gift from God that allows human beings to choose from among various actions, for which we are held accountable
    Free Will
  • A term meaning “advocate” or “helper,” used in the Gospel of John to describe the Holy Spirit, the Third Divine Person of the Trinity
  • The books of the Bible officially recognized by the Church as the inspired Word of God
    Canon of Scripture
  • A Greek title for Mary meaning “God bearer.”