
Sound heat, light, and electricity transformed

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  • Stove transformed ___________ into __________ to cook food.
    Electrical and Heat Energy
  • What is our topic for today?
    Demonstrates sound, heat light, and electricity can be transformed.
  • Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. This is what we call ______________.
    Law of conservation 
  • Plants use _________ energy from the sun.
  • What types of energy are being transferred from electrical energy when I turn on the TV?
    Sound, Heat, Light
  • An energy caused by movement of electrons.
    Electrical Energy
  • An energy in the form of heat.
    Thermal or Heat Energy
  • What type of energy is being transferred from electrical energy when I turn on the flashlight?
  • What's the full name of today's teacher?
  • What do you call the changes of one form to another?
    Energy Transformation
  • An energy in form of sound waves.
    Sound Energy
  • An energy in the form of light or any form of electromagnetic waves.
    Light or Radiant Energy
  • It is the ability to do work.
  • A microphone transformed __________energy into ___________energy.
    Sound and Electrical Energy