
Phonics 4 Unit 5 Review

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  • True or False: A girl is sitting on the swing.
  • What is it? Do you like it?
    It is a stone house.
  • Do you snore when you sleep?
    Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  • Where is the stove?
    It is in the living room/bedroom.
  • What can you see in this picture?
    I see five swings.
  • True or False: The flower smells good.
  • What can you see in this picture? Where is it?
    I see a stove. It is in the kitchen.
  • True or False: We can eat many snacks, because it is good for our teeth.
  • What do you see? Do you like it?
    I see many snacks. Yes, I do/No, I don't.
  • What can you see? How many can you see?
    Stones. I see _______.
  • Can you swim? What can you do?
    Yes, I can./No, I can't.
  • What can you see?
  • What do you do when you see the red light?
    I stop when I see the red light.
  • What has the snake got? Use"It has got____" to make two sentences.
    It has got long tail/ It has got two eyes.
  • How many colors can you see in this picture?
    I see _____________.
  • Can you read the sign?
    No smoking.
  • What can you smell with your nose? Make two sentences.
    I can smell the flowers/fish..
  • Do you like to smile?
    Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  • True or False: The fish smells good.
  • Do you like sweets? Do you want some sweets?
    Yes, I do/No, I don't.