
Final Oral Achievement Level 10

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  • Do you think more couples will have just one child in the future?
    They will/won't ...
  • Tell me about a very cold place you've been. Use the strong adjective!
  • Is the diet in your country getting better or worse?
    Great work!
  • Have you ever lent money to anyone? Have you ever borrowed money from someone?
    Good answer!
  • What dangerous things have you done?
  • Is the cost of living going up in your country? What is getting more expensive?
  • Women panic more than men in stressful situations. Agree or disagree? and why?
    Good work!
  • Are you allergic or intolerant to any food? How long have you had the problem?
    Well done!
  • Are you going to do something with a family member this week?
    I'm going to...
  • Slow drivers cause more accidents than fast drivers. Agree or disagree? and why?
    Good answer!
  • What's the difference between siblings and brothers and sisters?
    Sibling does not indicate male or female!
  • What time did you wake up this morning?
    I woke up at....
  • Tell me about a time when someone you know was very angry. Use the strong adjective!
  • It should be illegal to eat or drink when driving. Agree or disagree? and why?
  • Are there any superstitions that you believe in?
  • Tell me about your personality.
  • How long have you been using social media?
    A long time!
  • Waiters should earn a good salary and tips should be banned. Agree or disagree? and why?
    Good answer!
  • Are there any sports or games that you're really good at?
  • Have you ever been lost?
    Oh no!