
Berry: a small, round, soft fruit with seeds, o ...

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  • Gather: To collect gradually.
    Verb We gathered firewood in the forest.
  • Till: To dig and prepare land for planting crops.
    Verb The farmer is tilling the soil
  • Seeds: a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such pla
    Noun Noun a packet of sunflower seeds He planted the seeds three inches apart.
  • Dig: To break up and move somethinng, especially soil, with a spade, hands or claws..
    Verb We have to dig the car out of the snow.
  • Plow: A piece of farm equipment used to break up and turn soil to prepare it to be planted with a crop.
    Noun A plow can be pulled by a tractor or by animals such as water buffaloes or horses.
  • Settle: To set up a home.
    Verb My sister got married and settled in Connecticut.
  • Wildlife: wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.
    Noun wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.
  • Forage: To search the countryside for food.
    Noun My grandparents used to forage for mushrooms and berries in the woods.
  • Berry: A small, round, soft fruit with seeds, often edible
    Noun The diet of many birds includes berries.
  • Field: An area of open land.
    Noun That field is where we keep cows.
  • Nomad: A member of a people who move from place to place to find food for their animals
    Noun The drought forced the nomads to move.
  • Cultivate: To use land to grow crops.
    Verb Prehistoric peoples settled in the area and began to cultvate the land.
  • Hunt: To chase and kill or catch animals for food or sport.
    Verb The lion was hunting its prey.
  • Domesticate: To tame or train an animal so that it can live with or be used by people.
    Verb Dogs and sheep were some of the first animals to be domesticated.
  • Root: The part of a plant that grows down into the soil, takes up fluids and nutrients and holds the plant in place
    Noun Pull weeds up by the roots so they don´t grow again
  • Tame: (of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people; domesticated.
    Verb domesticate (an animal).
  • Area: Bounded surface, which is distinguished from what surrounds it
    Noun in many areas of the world He is the metropolitan area's most popular politician.
  • Exploit: To make full use of; to use selfishly or unjustly.
    Verb Some factories exploit their workers.
  • Hunter-Gatherer: A person who hunts animals and forages for plants for food instead of rasing animals and growing crops.
    Noun There are only a few tribes of hunter-gatherers left.
  • Nomadic: Living the life of a nomad.
    Adjective The Bedouin in North Africa are nomadic