
Gold experience C1 unit 8 review

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  • The aim of the experiment was to test food recognition. (identify the modified noun)
    food recognition
  • The students had a rest, which was good because they were tired and they deserved a rest.
    The tired students had a well-deserved rest.
  • Students have studied physical education for three years now. (rewrite in the passive)
    Physical education has been studied (by students) for three years now.
  • The more sporting achievements you have, the more confident you feel. (identify the modified noun)
    sporting achievements
  • The sports coaches are to advise students on all aspects of their lifestyle. (rewrite in the passive)
    Students are to be advised on all aspects of their lifestyle by sports coaches.
  • We had some pasta that had been cooked for too long and so we had to eat it using a spoon we normally use for soup.
    We had some over-cooked pasta and so we had to eat it with a soup spoon.
  • The students will develop a healthier lifestyle if sport is on the curriculum. (rewrite in the passive)
    If sport is on the curriculum, a healthier lifestyle will be developed (by students).
  • Scientists are researching the effect of food on the brain. (rewrite in the passive)
    The effect of food on the brain is being researched (by scientists).
  • The rapid action taken by the government to resolve the crisis saved lives. (identify modified noun)
    rapid action
  • Her dietary concerns meant that she avoided eating at most restaurants. (identify modified noun)
    dietary concerns
  • Big indoor centres which have a lot of shops in them have been blamed for people getting less air that is fresh.
    Shopping centres/malls have been blamed for people getting less fresh air.
  • The boy played football. He was only ten and the football he played was good, which was surprising.
    The ten-year-old boy played surprisingly good football.
  • We can adapt the course as new students arrive. (rewrite in the passive)
    The course can be adapted as new students arrive.
  • Parents must help children understand what a healthy diet is. (rewrite in the passive)
    Children must be helped by their parents to understand what a healthy diet is.
  • My cousin went for an interview for a job, but it turned out the post was only for the short term.
    My cousin went for a job interview but it turned out it was only a short-term post.
  • Many events which involve sports and which are popular will only allow people who hold tickets for the season to enter.
    Many popular sports events only allow entry to season ticket holders.
  • Families should not eat junk food at home on a regular basis. (rewrite in the passive)
    Junk food should not be eaten at home (by families) on a regular basis.
  • An international team investigated food distribution. (rewrite in the passive)
    Food distribution was investigated by an international team.
  • Since my brother got a new bike which goes up mountains, he’s been off for lots of breaks lasting three days at the weekends.
    Since my brother got his mountain bike, he’s been off on lots of three-day weekend breaks.
  • Mike spent every evening working out at the gym. This long-standing obsession only stopped when he started working long hours. (identify modified noun)
    every evening, long-standing obsession, long hours