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  • Sona went to a restaurant and ordered juice for herself. The waiter served her two straws. Which one do you think she should use?( plastic straw/paper straw)
    paper straw
  • Aquatic animals sometimes eat this and die. We should reduce its usage. What do you think it is? plastic bags/wet waste
    plastic bags
  • Raghav was upset on seeing his father's factory discharge waste into the water body nearby. Why?(because it was cleaning the water/because it was polluting the water)
    because it was polluting the water
  • A huge ship was sailing in the sea. It was leaving a trail of oil in the sea water. This was harmful for the __________.(aquatic animals/houses)
    aquatic animals
  • Crop burning leads to ______.(water pollution/air pollution)
    air pollution
  • A river flowing through Delhi is in a bad state as tons of waste is thrown into it. Name the river.(Brahmaputra/Yamuna)
  • Wet waste from homes can be used to make____(bags/compost)
  • Tara always carries her cloth bag to buy groceries from the market. She is helping in the reduction of the use of ____.(wood/plastic bags)
    plastic bags
  • A lady is driving a car which is emitting black smoke. This is a source of _____(water getting polluted/air getting polluted)
    air getting polluted
  • Planting trees can help to______(clean the air/clean the forest)
    clean the air
  • Waste material like plastic causes______( noise pollution/land pollution)
    land pollution
  • Pollution affects our____(health/books)
  • The only living being on this planet to cause all kinds of pollution are_____.(animals/humans)
  • _____ Towers help to fight air pollution. ( Windmill/Smog)
  • A party with loud music was going on. What do you think it led to? land pollution/noise pollution
    noise pollution
  • Sameer loves his planet earth and wants to preserve it. Which car should he buy?( electric car/ diesel car)
    electric car
  • Washing clothes in the rivers/lakes is an example of____(air pollution/water pollution)
    water pollution
  • If we throw garbage in water, the water animals will live happily or die.
  • Noise pollution is the result of ____( bursting of loud crackers/sowing seeds)
    bursting of loud crackers
  • What causes air pollution? smoke or flowers