
International Women's day

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  • What do women like to hold the most?
    Husband’s salary
  • What is she doing?
    She is dyeing.
  • What do they do?
    They go shopping.
  • Classify 3 kinds of fish by Vietnamese?
    Cá chép, cá diếc, cá trôi
  • Which country in the world has no women?
  • What is this?
    It's a scissors.
  • What do men have that women don’t?
  • What is she doing?
    She is knitting.
  • An other name of 8th March?
    International Women's day
  • What is the name of the flower that is pink?
  • 5678 + 2245 =?
    7923 (seven thousand nine hundred and twenty three)
  • What is she doing?
    She is cooking.
  • Which flower is the symbol of Vietnam?
    Lotus flower
  • Name of traditional food on Tet holiday in Vietnam?
    Chung cake
  • What fruit is this?
    It's a lime.
  • Classify 2 kinds of these leaves?
    Lá trầu không, lá lốt
  • Where’s women’s hair the most curly?
  • Which costume is the symbol of Vietnam?
  • Which countries does Vietnam border?
    China, Cambodia, Laos
  • An animal's name is a symbol of Vietnamese mothers' hard work?