
Can for Friends Starter

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  • can't /songs/ I /sing
    I can't sing songs.
  • Can I open the window? (-)
    No, you can't
  • football/ can't/ play /I
    I can't play football
  • I____ dance. (+)
    I can dance.
  • Can you play football ? (+)
    Yes, I can.
  • They____ run.(-)
    They can't run.
  • Он сможет прочитать книгу?
    Can he read a book?
  • You _____ play football. (+)
    You can play football.
  • It____ fly.(-)
    It can't fly.
  • Я умею петь и играть на гитаре.
    I can sing and play the guitar.
  • Моя лошадь умеет бегать и прыгать.
    My horse can run and jump.
  • Я умею играть в теннис и баскетбол.
    I can play tennis and basketball .