
Correct sequence & defects

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  • What is the metal part of the brush called - begins with F
  • Natural bristle brushes are better for which type of paint - oil or water borne - why?
  • How should you clean out a synthetic brush used in water borne paint?
    In warm water until it runs clean
  • What fold is used when hanging lining paper horizontally?
  • What causes orange ppel?
    Wrong roller pile and not laying off
  • What is the glue called that holds the bristles in place on a brush?
    The setting
  • Which planet is closest to the sun?
  • What causes cissing?
    Painting over grease/oil/polish etc
  • What causes skid marks?
    Too much pressure with roller or brush
  • What type of foundation would you build underneath a brick or steel column?
  • What type of roller is best for glossing?
  • What causes wrinkling?
    Applying 2nd coat before 1st has dried
  • Do the moonwalk
    Shamone motherfudger
  • Name me 5 animals which their hair can be used for bristles
    hog bristles, badger, mongoose, pony, squirrel, sable, wolf, goat, ox, camel, raccoon, rabbit
  • Name 3 pieces of equipment/tools we can use to apply paint
    Brush, roller, feather, sprayer, rag, mitt, sponge
  • Which is the shiniest paint?
  • Why do we use paint kettles and scuttles instead of working out of the paint tin?
    To prevent the defect known as banding, to avoid big spills, to avoid contaminating the tin.