
Have got

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  • Ibra has got a white bag. Make negative
    Ibra hasn't got a white bag
  • Nurai has got a new bike. Make question and short answer
    Has Nurai got a new bike?
  • thin / got / a / have / brother / she. Put in correct order
    She has got a thin brother
  • Nurai and Aizere have got an old mobile phone. Make question and short answer
    Have Nurai and Aizere got an old mobile phone?
  • parents / got / a / pink / have/ their / parrot. Put in correct order
    Their parents have got a pink parrot
  • Ibra and Baha have got a long ruler. Make negative
    Ibra and Baha haven't got a long ruler
  • You've got a small pet. Make question and short answer
    Have you got a small pet?
  • Aizere has got short hair. Make negative
    Aizere hasn't got short hair
  • three / thick / Baha / fish / got / have. Put in correct order
    Baha has got three thick fish