
Causes of the Civil War

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  • When did Republicans rise?
  • Why did the south not like Uncle Tom's Cabinet?
    because it tried to urge people away from slavery
  • T/F Zachary Taylor wants to veto the compromise of 1850 because he hates slavery
  • who were the Jayhawkers?
    people who were against slavery (North)
  • When did the south go out of the union?
    December 20, 1860
  • What did the Free Soil Party believe?
    people should be free on free soil
  • Who created the compromise of 1850?
    Henry Clay
  • What did the Republicans bring to court to show that the South was violent?
    Sumner's bloody shirt
  • Wo wrote the Kansas- Nebraska Act?
    Stephen Doughlas
  • What did the south call itself when it left the US?
    The Confederate States of America
  • What year did the Kansa- Nebraska Act happen?
  • When does the Civil war start?
    April 21, 1861
  • Why did the Whig Party disband?
    it didn't take a stand from slavery
  • What did John Brown believe his mission was?
    to kill all slave owners
  • What was the Civil War about?
  • Who becomes the president after Taylor's death?
    Milford Fillmore
  • Who were the Border Ruffians?
    people who were for slavey (South)
  • Who was the first Republican president?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • What is Popular Sovereignty?
    it's the idea that people should decide what they want for themselves (to vote/ higher number of people decide)( for or against slavery)
  • What does the compromise ef 1850 consist of?
    California became a free state, territories can become a slave state, size of Texas is reduced, no slave trade in Washington DC, and Fugitive Slave Law
  • Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabinet in 1852?
    Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • When does California enter the union? (reason)
    discovery of gold
  • When does California become a part of the union?
  • What is Lincoln's quote for his 1860 presidential election?
    "a house divided cannot stand"
  • What is Lincoln's goal?
    to stop the expansion of savery
  • What was the purpose of the Free-Soil Party?
    to oppose expansion of slavery to the west
  • What did the South see John Brown as?
    a murderer
  • What did the North see John Brown as?
    a hero
  • What is the Fugitive Slave law?
    it allowed owners to track their slaves down if they ran away
  • What event is the last straw that makes the civil war occur?
    Lincoln taking office