
Vocabulary Lesson 11 & 12

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  • ambience
    environment; the surrounding atmosphere
  • episode
    an incident in person's life or in a story or play
  • circumvent
    to avoid; to evade by cleverness
  • convene
    to assemble, especially for a meeting
  • translucent
    permitting light to pass through, but not transparent
  • impervious
    not penetrable by light rays, moisture, etc.; incapable of being influenced or affected
  • deviate
    to turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject
  • aberration
    straying from what is normal or accepted
  • telepathy
    communication from one mind to another without speech, writing, or other sensory means
  • transitory
    lasting for only a short while
  • intervene
    to occur between events or periods; to come between, thereby easing a situation; to interfere or to interrupt
  • transitive
    describing an action carried from subject to verb to object; needing a direct object to complete the meaning of the verb.
  • exodus
    mass departure or emigration; the departure of the Israelites from Egypt with their leader Moses
  • transgress
    to go beyond or over set limits; to break a rule.
  • itinerary
    a route of travel; a plan or record of a journey
  • obituary
    notice of a death with biographical information
  • itinerant
    traveling from place to place, especially to perform some duty or work; transient
  • advent
    arrival or coming into being; the period beginning four weeks before Christmas; the birth of Christ
  • erratic
    irregular or inconsistent movement, habit, quality, or ideas
  • transient
    passing quickly; transitory