
Ancient Greece

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  • Wrote "The Republic" about the ideal state- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
  • How do the Iliad and the Odyssey provide insight to Ancient Greece?
    It shows us the values and customs of Greek society
  • Describe the acropolis
    Once a fortress or citadel in Athens, now dedicated with temples to Athena
  • Tutored Alexander the Great- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
  • How did the Greeks use myths? (Hint: it's the same as Mesopotamia)
    To explain events in their everyday lives
  • How did the Persian wars change the relationship between Athens and Sparta?
    They formed a common Greek Culture and Greek identity
  • Name the battles of the Persian wars in order.
    Anatolia, Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis
  • Founded the Lyceum? Plato, Aristotle, or both?
  • How would we describe the gods?
    Human like in actions and emotions
  • All of Greece was united under what city-states rule after King Phillip II conquered them?
  • What was the name of the league the Athenians began to protect themselves from further attacks from the Persians?
    Delian League
  • How did Pericles use the Delian League money?
    To rebuild Athens
  • How did the Persian wars begin?
    After the Persians conquered parts of Asia Minor, colonies in the area rebelled with support of Athens
  • What was a consequence of the Peloponnesian Wars?
    Greek city states were weakened and vulnerable to attack by the Macedonians
  • Who was Alexander the Great's father?
    King Phillip II
  • How did Hellenistic culture spread throughout the Greek empire?
    Through military conquest by Alexander
  • Founded the Academy in Athens? Plato, Aristotle, or both?
  • Alexander the Great's empire stretched over what three continents?
    Africa, Asia, and Europe
  • What happened to the Greek empire after Alexander's death?
    It fell apart
  • How did they build amphitheaters?
    Built into the side of hills so the seats were high above center stage
  • Describe the Parthenon. Looks, location, and content
    balanced in looks with columns, in the acropolis of Athens, a statue of Athena made with ivory and gold
  • Describe the religion of Ancient Greece
  • How did Socrates study knowledge, truth, and the meaning of life?
    Asked questions and tested his answers with more questions- Socratic Method
  • What was the purpose of the Olympic games?
    To honor Zeus with a competition
  • Who wrote the Iliad and the odyssey?
  • In response the the Delian League being created, what did the Spartans do?
    Created the Peloponnesian League
  • Philosopher and writer- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
  • How do we know all of the teachings of Socrates?
    Plato wrote it down