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  • (all-one-both) boy and girl are dancing in the party.
  • (several-every-a great deal of) students want less homework.
  • Most (dress-fashion-shoe) nowadays is appropriate.
  • Not only _____________(she-work), but she also studies.
    does she work
  • By the end of the month, Beth_____________ (hope-pay) all her debts.
    hopes to have paid
  • Pat and Barbara will ___________ (give) English Advanced Course by June.
    have given
  • We will ____________ (get married) by this time next year.
    have gotten married
  • Dan and Janet __________ (ought to-sell) their house when they had an offer.
    ought to have sold
  • (each-many-less) children love wearing tennis shoes.
  • My boss____________ (plan-send) all the information for the meeting by tomorrow morning.
    plans to have sent
  • I wish I ____________ (buy) a new cell phone in the sale.
    had bought
  • Do you _____________(plan-save) enough money for a trip?
    plan to have saved
  • Not only __________ (they-are) colleagues, but they are also friends.
    are they
  • People (neither-either) turn off the phone or turn off the sound.
  • Mary _____________(should-take) that English course in 2018.
    should have taken
  • Not only _________ (we-had) garbage on the street, but we also had problems with the neighbors.
    did we have
  • (Neither-either) listening to loud music nor answering your phone during a movie is considerate.