
Ancient Rome

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  • What was the name of the gladiator who escaped and made his own army?
  • What did an aqueduct do?
    Took water from one place to another across long distances.
  • Who fought three wars against Rome, eventually losing and having their city destroyed?
  • What was the name of Caesar's real son?
  • Who was the Queen of Egypt that two famous Romans fell in love with?
  • Who was in the second Triumvirate?
    Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
  • At it's peak how many people lived in the Roman Empire?
    70 million
  • What did Caesar do for ten years after he was consul?
    Conquer Gaul
  • Who was Sulla?
    General who won the civil war for the Patricians
  • What was a tribune and what did they do?
    They were voted for by the plebeians and they could 'veto' a law that was unfair.
  • Which two Romans had months named after them?
    Julius Caesar (July) and Augustus (August)
  • Who was the last King of Rome?
    Tarquinius Superbus
  • What were the names of the twins who are meant to have founded Rome?
    Romulus and Remus
  • Who was the general who came over the Alps with elephants?
  • What is supposed to have happened to Romulus at the end of his life?
    Taken to heaven by a whirlwind to become a god
  • What were the group of people who were free but didn't have much power called?
  • Name one of the tactics that the Roman Army used
    Wedge, Tortoise etc
  • Before Emperors, what was the name of the most powerful job in Rome?
  • When was Ancient Rome founded? A) 45BC B) 753BCE C)753CE
    B) 753BCE
  • Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
  • What was the group of people called who were rich and powerful?
  • What was the name of the invention the Romans created during the Punic Wars to land on other boats?
  • Give two reasons why Rome a good place to build a city?
    Because it was on a hill, near to water, fertile land nearby, easy to defend
  • Who was in the first Triumvirate?
    Pompey, Crassus, Caesar
  • When did Vesuvius explode to destroy Pompeii?