
Vocabulario 3

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  • gorgeous
    my puppy in precious
  • Excellent
  • miniature
    I have a miniature calculator
  • old
    my grandfather has some old books
  • I am exhausted
    I am c
  • succed
    I succeed in my studies
  • Aim
    I aim with my toy gun
  • fulfilled
    I fulfilled my goals
  • horrible
    my bacon is horrible
  • old
    my grandmother has an old statue
  • huge
    my mom has a huge bed
  • starving
    I do an act of charity
  • goal
    I get my goals
  • plans
    I make plans of my house
  • huge
    the elephant is huge
  • fascinating
    the food is fascinating
  • furious
    my mom gets furious when she drops something
  • point
    I point
  • terrified
    I'm terrified
  • get result
    I get the result of my exam