
S3 Global inequalities

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  • Name three social problems that developing countries often have
    Poverty, hunger, human rights limitations (gender inequality, child exploitation, poor civil rights) limited social services (healthcare, education, housing)
  • Name three negative consequences of globalisation for developing countries
    Dependency on international markets, exploitation of local resources, neo-colonialism, loss of local cultures, exploitation by multinational corporations
  • What is neo-colonialism?
    Neocolonialis is the dependency that developing countries have on developed countries, leading to the exploitation of natural and human resources.
  • Name three common economic problems in underdeveloped countries
    Dependence on foreign investment, underdeveloped industry, poverty etc
  • Name five developed countries outside of the European Union (according to their HDI score)
    Options: The USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Name five emerging countries
    Options include: Chile, India, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Angola, Peru, Colombia, Indonesia, the Phiippines, Malaysia etc.
  • Name three positive consequences of globalisation for developing countries
    Development aid, financial support, better access to technology, education and information, improved transport and trade
  • Define development
    Development is social and economic progress to satisfy basic material needs, improve people's quality of life and enhance individual and collective freedoms
  • What three factors determine the level of development of a country?
    Economic factors, Social factors, Political factors
  • Name three common social problems that stop economically thriving emerging countries from being considered developed
    Poverty, social inequality, water contamination, general pollution, lack of healthcare and education, lack of democracy, child exploitation, gender inequality
  • What are the three factors that the Human Development Index measures?
    GDP per capita, the literacy rate and years of compulsory education, life expectancy at birth
  • Name three qualities of a developed country
    A thriving economy, advanced technology, a culture of innovation, democratic political systems, citizen participation, high quality healthcare, education
  • Name three economical characteristics you would expect to find in a developed country
    High GDP per capita, technological innovation, investment in research and development, domestic and foreign trade, strong financial infrasture
  • Name three environmental problems that often hinder development
    Deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, depletion of natural resources, extreme climates, pollution
  • Name three political characteristics you would expect to find in a developed country
    High level of democracy, access to information, personal safety, right to free movement, freedom of speech, civil rights, social equality
  • Name three social characteristics you would expect to find in a developed country
    High quality healthcare, education, housing and transport, access to food, culture and employment. Holiday breaks and fair employment conditions.
  • What is globalisation?
    The increase in trade of goods and ideas around the world, due to advancements in technology, communication and transport, creating an interconnected world.
  • Which two continents contain the majority of the world's underdeveloped countries?
    Africa and Asia