
Pop Art Self-Portrait review for 4th Grade

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  • What does the "Pop" in Pop Art stand for? (2 words)
    Popular culture
  • Who made these Pop Art prints? (first and last name)
    Andy Warhol
  • What printmaking technique did Andy Warhol primarily use?
    Silk Screening (or screen printing)
  • What type of paint is translucent, needs water to activate it, but can also be damaged by water?
  • In the 1970's how much would it cost you for Andy Warhol to do a portrait of you?
  • What is it called when you make copies of art? (not using a copy machine, of course)
  • What art is Andy Warhol famous for that was inspired by him being sick as a child and his mother taking care of him?
    Campbell's Soup Cans
  • In what city did Andy Warhol live and make art for most of his life, after college?
    New York City
  • What kind of art depicts subjects from popular culture, usually with bright colors?
    Pop Art
  • What do you call the art technique where watercolor is applied over art made with wax and the watercolor won't stick to the wax, of course, so the wax shows through the applied watercolor?
    Wax resist
  • What is Andy Warhol's real name?
    Andrew Warhola
  • What special paper did we use to transfer our selfies to cardboard?
    Carbon Paper
  • What you call it when paint is kind of see-through.
  • What are crayons made of?
  • What do you call a print that is made by rubbing a crayon over a textured surface?
    A rubbing.
  • Name one of the 3 main characteristics of watercolor paint.
    translucent (see-through), needs water in order to use it, or NOT permanent (water can damage it)