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  • 【_air】chair
    Push in your chair before you leave.
  • 【_are】rare (稀有的/罕見的)
    It is very rare to see a golden egg.
  • 【_are】scare (使...受驚嚇)
    The way she drives scares me.
  • 【a_e】  scale (磅秤/刻度)
    The package(包裹) is being weighed on a scale.
  • 【_ai_】pail
    He fetched(提) a pail of water.
  • 【_are】square (正方形/方塊/廣場)
    The pattern(圖案) of the floor is black and white squares.
  • 【_air】pair (一對)
    Danny needs a pair of socks and a pair of gloves.
  • 【_ai_】rail (鐵軌/鐵路/欄杆)
    Tokyo has an excellent rail system.
  • 【_are】 bare (裸的/光禿禿的)
    She likes walking in her bare feet.
  • 【_are】hare (野兔)
    I saw a hare in my backyard(後院) this morning.
  • 【_air】fair (移動式遊樂場/市集)
    A fair is often much smaller than an amusement park. Disneyland is an amusement park. This picture is a fun fair.
  • 【_ai_】hail (下冰雹)
    It hailed the whole afternoon. 
  • 【_are】stare (盯/凝視)
    She stared at the floor(地板) for a whole minute without saying a word.
  • 【_are】dare (敢)
    How dare you! 你/你們怎麼敢!
  • 【_air】hair (頭髮)
    She has long, brown hair. She doesn't want to get her hair cut.
  • 【a_e】cake
    My mom baked(烤) a chocolate cake for my birthday. 
  • 【_are】share (分享)
    Let's share the pizza!
  • 【a_e】date (日期)
    What's the date today?
  • 【a_e】hate
    I hate Monday.
  • 【_are】care (關懷)
    The baby needs a lot of care.
  • 【_air】airplane (飛機)
    My uncle learned how to fly an airplane during World War II.
  • 【a_e】pale (蒼白的)
    She looked so pale when I picked her up at the airport(機場).
  • 【_ai_】chain
    The dog was fastened(閂住) to a post(柱子) by a chain. 
  • 【a_e】shape (形狀)
    What shapes do you see?