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  • Squint
    To partly close the eyelids.
  • Prairie
    A large area of fertile land covered with grass.
  • Homely
    Not pretty or handsome. Not fancy or special.
  • Pungent
    Sharp and strong in taste or smell.
  • Windmill
    A machine that uses energy from the wind to turn a large wheel.
  • Cruel
    Willing to cause pain or suffering; Showing no mercy.
  • Chant
    To read or speak in a chant (words spoken in rhythm over and over on a single pitch).
  • Dune
    A mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind.
  • Sly
    Devious or not to be trusted.
  • Buzzard
    A very large bird with a hooked bill and sharp claws; American vulture.
  • Carpenter
    A person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
  • Fogbound
    Unable to move because of fog, or surrounded by fog.
  • Petticoat
    A skirt worn under an outer skirt; Slip.
  • Bedding
    Blankets, sheets, pillows, and other coverings for a bed.
  • Streak
    A long, narrow line or mark.
  • Bloom
    To produce flowers.
  • Kettle
    A wide, deep pot used for boiling liquids, such as water or soup.
  • Wretched
    Unhappy in condition or situation; Miserable.
  • Hailstone
    A single pellet of hail (round pieces of frozen rain or a storm of this frozen rain).