
Tanween, Madd, Sukoon Shaddah and Laam at Ta'ree ...

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  • True or False: Fathatain is seen mostly without an alif
  • True or False. Madd meens elongation.
  • What does shaddah mean?
    doubled letter
  • Read: رَبِّكِ
    awesome or not too awesome
  • Define laam at ta'reef
    definite article
  • Read: غُلَٰمٌ. Identify the rules
    fatha, dhammah, dhammatain
  • what does laam al qamariyyah mean?
    laam of the moon
  • Define shaddah
    shadah means doubled letter
  • how many letters does each category have
  • Read: حِجَابًا
    awesome or not too awesome?
  • Name 3 letters for laam ash shamsiyyah
    ط ث ص رت ن ظ ض ذ د س ز ش ل
  • Which short vowel precedes an alif madd?
  • what does laam ash shamsiyyah mean?
    laam of the sun
  • What does shaddah look like?
    a mini 'w'
  • Name 3 letters for laam al qamariyyah
    ء ب غ ح ج ك و خ ف ع ق ي م ه
  • True or False: Originnally shaddah was read with a vowel first and then sukoon
  • Yes or No: Yaa elongates dhammah
  • Where can shaddah and  sukoon be found in a word?
    middle or end
  • Read: جِذْعِ
    how awesome did you do?
  • Read: الْمَوَالِيَ. laam al qamariyyah or laam ash shamsiyyah? Why
    laam al qamariayyah, b/c the laam has a sukoon, allowing it to be heard
  • True or False: Never start a word with shaddah or sukoon
  • Read: ٱلنَّخْلَةِ .laam al qamariyyah or laam ash shamsiyyah ?  Why?
    laam ash shamsiyyah, b/c shaddah follows the laam, hiding it's sound
  • How many categories does laam at ta'reef have