
Grade 2- Midterm 2 Story Review #3/3

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  • What is Joe getting from a hen?
    An egg.
  • The girl on the bike is (near/ far from) the children playing with the ball.
    The girl on the bike is far from the children playing with the ball.
  • Who woke up?
    Jan woke up.
  • Who is telling a joke?
  • What is Kate doing?
    Kate is checking bees in the beehive.
  • In the past, people ate ice cream at the ______. (fair, school, market)
    In the past, people ate ice cream at the fair.
  • Who woke up?
    Jane woke up.
  • Are Mike and Jim having loads of fun?
  • Which is faster? Sending letters or sending emails.
    Sending emails is faster.
  • Today we drive on paved roads. True or false?
  • Tell me all the "Long E" words: I can see a big green leaf on the tree.
    See, Green, Leaf, Tree
  • Now, ice cream can come in a dish or a ______. (good, cone, pizza)
    Now, ice cream can come in a dish or a cone.
  • Is Kate getting honey from the beehive?
  • A long time ago, we drove on _____ that had a lot of rocks and bumps.
  • In the past, ice cream came in a (car, dish, pizza).
    In the past, ice cream came in a dish.
  • This lady used a pen to write a _____.
  • What do Mike and Jim have?
    Mike and Jim have eggs from Joe's farm.
  • Where is the milk?
    The milk is in a pail below Bell's tummy.
  • Then or now?
  • What can you do at the fair?
    Eat, play, have fun.....
  • When it is hot, ice cream can _______. (cone, dish, melt)
    When it is hot, ice cream can melt.
  • The boy fishing is (near/far from) the swan.
    The boy fishing is near the swan.
  • Will Joe sell some eggs?
    Yes, he will.
  • L-E-F-W-A-F
  • S-T-A-Y-T
  • What are the hens doing?
    The hens are roosting in nests.
  • What's your favourite treat?
    My favourite treat is ______.
  • Who woke up?
    Mike and Jim woke up.
  • Who woke up?
    Joe woke up.
  • What did the waffle man do to help the ice cream man?
    The waffle man made a cone with a waffle so the ice cream man could sell more ice cream.
  • Can Jane drink milk?
  • Rose is a big brown _____.
  • Tell me all the "Long E" words: A mouse likes to sleep and eat cheese.
    Sleep, Eat, Cheese
  • Then we wrote letters. Now we send _____. (stamps, emails, pens)
  • T-E-F-E
  • Who woke up?
    Kate woke up.
  • Can Bell eat hay?
  • What is Jane doing?
    Jane is getting milk from Bell.
  • What's your favourite treat?
    My favourite treat is ______.
  • Did Dan wake up?
    Yes, he did.
  • Sounds like "Tree": big, blue, read, yellow
  • True or false? We used a stick and a rope to tell the horse which way to go.
  • Then or now?
  • This question is too hard, I am not ____ of the answer. (other, good, sure)
    This question is too hard, I am not sure of the answer.
  • The kids are drinking _____ milk.
  • Rose is making Jan _____.
  • A-R-E-N
  • Sounds like "Read": ice, meat, cube, rain
  • Are the children laughing?
    Yes, they are.
  • An airplane can go _____ fast.