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  • Complete with the name of the company that has this slogan: "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's _________."
  • This logo belongs to:
  • complete the slogan of this brand: "________ you are worth it"
  • Frosted flakes has this slogan "They're Gr-r-reat" The animal for the brand is a:
  • "I'm lovin it" is the slogan of: A)Mc cormick B) KFC C) Mc Donald's
    Mc DOnald's
  • What's the slogan? A) The happiest place on Earth B) Finger lickin good C) You won't stop eating
    B) Finger lickin good
  • ´complete the slogan: "_______, laugh, grow"
  • What's the slogan of this company?
    "Just do it"
  • What's the slogan of this company?
    "THe happiest place on Earth"
  • "Keep walking" is the slogan of which brand?
    Johny Walker
  • Complete: "Redbull gives you _____"
  • Unscramble the words to make the slogan. "your in melts hand your not mouth in,"
    Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
  • What´s the slogan? A. Betcha can't eat only one B. You could have more C. you will need more
    A. Betcha can't eat only one.
  • Complete the slogan of Gillette: "The best a ________ can get"