
General Health

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  • What is one reason why people yawn? To wake up tired muscles, to increase heart rate and blood pressure, or to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood?
    Increase the amount of oxygen in the blood
  • Where is the thyroid located?
    Front of the throat
  • What is the most prevalent non-contagious disease in the world? Heart disease, tooth decay, or the common cold.
    Tooth decay
  • In general, before you turn 18, your parents/guardians have access to all of your health information/medical records. T/F?
    True. Unless you're over 18 or legally emancipated.
  • You should always carry your insurance card with you. T/F?
    True. You should have your card in your wallet, or at the very least a photo of it on your phone.
  • If you're 18, your doctor cannot share your medical information with your parents. T/F?
    True. Unless you've signed a HIPPA form allowing permission to talk to your parents.
  • What does AIDS stand for?
    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • You should carry a list of your medications and dosages with you. T/F?
    True. You may be asked on various forms, or in an emergency for this information.
  • Gluten is bad. T/F?
    Depends. Gluten free isn't bad for anyone; but gluten can be harmful if you have certain disorders.
  • Which of the following is a symptom of hypothermia? Increase in mental acuity, slurred speech, or hunger?
    Slurred speech
  • What causes acne? Sweat, extra oil production, chocolate, or bad manners?
    Extra oil production.
  • The cost of insurance indicates the quality of care you will receive. T/F?
    False. Higher costs do not necessarily mean better quality of care.
  • Coffee stunts childhood growth. T/F?
  • If you use your parents' health insurance for treatment, only you and your doctor know about it.
    Nope. Your parents will receive an EOB (explanation of benefits) form indicating that you saw the doctor.
  • Cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis. T/F?
    False. But it can cause other problems, so it's best to not do it.
  • What are blood cells shaped like? Donuts, tubes, or corkscrews?
  • What is the only part of the body that cannot heal and repair on it's own?
    A tooth
  • You should always go straight to the hospital for medical care. T/F?
    False. You can see your pediatrician/primary doctor, or go to a walk-in facility.
  • You can stay on your parents' health insurance until you're 30 years old. T/F?
    False. You can stay on until you're 26 (as long as your parents don't kick you off).
  • What is the largest organ of the human body? Skin, heart, brain, or liver?
  • Which is the following is not a type of diabetes? Juvenile, Type 2, or Senior Diabetes
    Senior Diabetes