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  • Do something again from the beginning
    Start from scratch
  • To let the cat out of the bag
    Reveal a secret by mistake
  • To be beyond someone's ability to understand
    To be over someone's head
  • To add insult to injury
    To make a bad situation worse
  • To pretend you have little knowledge about something
    To play dumb
  • Turn a blind eye
    Pretend no to notice
  • To deliberately do an imperfect job in order to save money
    To cut corners
  • . Over the top
    Totally excessive and not suitable for the occasion
  • Out of the blue
    Happen unexpectedly
  • To be far-fetched
    highly unlikely to be true
  • Think the world of someone
    Admire someone very much
  • To succeed in doing someething difficult/unexpected
    Pull something off
  • To learn how to do an activity or job
    Know the ropes
  • to be a tough cookie
    Determined and physically or emotionally strong.
  • Beat around the bush
    Avoiding a subject by talking about irrelevant things
  • Pull some strings
    to use your power or influence to get something for someone else or self
  • Once in a blue moon
    Very rarely
  • On the ball
    Alert and efficient
  • Slip my mind
    forget something
  • Take for granted
    to undervallue not apprciate someone and what they do