
¨So many questions, so little time¨ - Tony

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  • you want to know the location I play tennis
    Where do you play tennis?
  • I went to the cinema with someone , and you want to know who
    Who did you go to the cinema with?
  • distance
    How far is it from X to Y?
  • age
    How old are you?
  • The price of a souvenir you see in a shop
    How much is this? How much does this cost?
  • profession
    What do you do?
  • to know the material of something
    What is X made of?
  • you see a scarf on the floor and you want to identify the owner
    Whose scarf is this?
  • the time of the match
    When is the match? When does it start?
  • to ask for information about a place, country, movie, restaurant , person etc...
    What is X like?
  • the question to see if someone is able to play the piano
    Can you play the piano? Do you know how to play the piano?