
Finding Balance in Food

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  • True or False? the term of "balance" in diet might be different according to someone's cultures
  • True or False? Frying and Roasting are parts of yang methods
  • True or False? A person's culture can influence his appetite
  • what is terroir?
    the local cuisine in France
  • what do Chinese people believe about the disease in human's body?
    It might because one consumes too much yang or yin
  • True or False? Chicken, meats, eggs are parts of yin
  • Chinese cuisine find balance by serving the cool and warm foods
  • True or False? The French people find pleasure in eating foods from different parts of the country in a search for balance
  • True or False? a traditional French meal can have from three to seven different courses
  • what does a balanced diet mean?
    it means eating more fruits, vegetables, and grains, and consuming fewer foods high in fat, sugar, and cholesterol.