
3rd Unit 3 review

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  • Have you got a pencil?
    No, I haven't
  • Far Darrig hasn't __________________
  • Far Darrig __________________ a pencil sharpener
    has got
  • Have you got a pencil case?
    No, I haven't
  • __________________? No, I haven't
    Have you got a...
  • Have you got a ________________? No, I haven't
    Notebook, Pencil case, Scissors, Ruler
  • I __________________ a pen.
    haven't got
  • Far Darrig hasn't got __________________
    a pencil, a pencil case, a rubber, a ruler, a rucksack
  • Have you got a ___________? Yes, I have
    Book, Pencil, Pencil sharpener, Pen, Rucksack, Rubber
  • __________________ a pencil case? Yes, I have
    Have you got
  • I ________________________ a rubber on the table.
    haven't got
  • Far Darrig has__________________
  • I __________________ an apple.
    have got
  • __________________?Yes, I have
    Have you got a...
  • I __________________ a banana.
    haven't got
  • What is this?
  • Far Darrig has got __________________
    a book, a notebook, the scissors, a pen, a pencil sharpener
  • What is this?
    Pencil sharpener
  • Have you got a rubber?
    Yes, I have
  • I __________________ a rucksack.
    have got
  • have you got the scissors? __________________
    Yes, I have
  • __________________ a rucksack? No, I haven't
    Have you got
  • Far Darrig __________________a rucksack.
    hasn't got
  • I ______________ a book on the table.
    have got