
CNA Advanced 1 Midterm Review

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  • I like laptops ________ they are easy to carry around. 1. due to 2. why 3. because 4. that's why
  • Online classes are slightly different than face-to-face ones. Is this a smaller or bigger difference?
    Smaller difference
  • Playing volleyball is ______. 1. easy 2. ease 3. easily 4. easier
  • I prefer staying home __________ going out? 1. would rather 2. as rather 3. rather 4. rather than
  • This book is ________ interesting. I can't stop reading it.
  • Chess can't be _______ played. You need to study the rules and strategies. 1. easy 2. ease 3. easily 4. easier
  • The reason ______ I prefer laptops is that they are easy to carry around. 1. due to 2. why 3. because 4. since
  • People have health problems _________________ eating far too much junk food. 1. as a consequence of 2. that's why 3. due to the 4. due to consequence of
  • London is far bigger than Pelotas. Is this a smaller or bigger difference?
    Bigger difference
  • I'm not aware __ this meeting you're talking about.
  • My new computer and my old one have ____________ the same specifications.
    pretty much / almost
  • I like chocolate ______ too much to give it up.
  • Which of these sentences is correct? 1. I rather eat pancakes. 2. I rather to eat pancakes 3. I would rather eat pancakes. 4. I'd rather eating pancakes
  • What's the comparative form of good, bad, far, and big?
    Better, worse, farther, and bigger.
  • I'm astonished ____ how much you improved over the last semester.
  • As time goes by, I feel more and more suffocated ______ life in a big city.